Morocco Travel Advice

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Morocco Travel Advice

travel documents:


A passport is a transport document delivered by the government of your country. In some countries, the ticket must be valid between 3 and 6 months after entry or exit from the country’s territory.

(Inquire about this at the consulate of the country you are going to)

plane ticket

A plane ticket is your ticket to travel. You can buy from the airline or the travel agency, either in the office or over the phone, on the internet, etc. You can also buy them from a travel agency.)

In addition to the traditional ticket, which takes the form of a voucher given to travelers in the form of paper (packed manually or in an automatic way), travelers are offered, today, a second version. It is an electronic ticket.

Indeed, some companies deliver electronic tickets; in this case, travel receipts are given to travelers upon request.

ID card

Verification of your identity is mandatory. You are invited to present one of the following valid documents: a national identity card, residence card, or passport.

passenger card

A final document that you received at the end of the procedure. Upon arrival, the traveler will be shown to his boarding gate, assigned a seat, and informed of the final time he can board. At the registration office, most persons receive this paperwork. Online booking is available for some airlines.

(Inquire about it with your company)

residence card

Consult the country’s consulate if you’re unsure whether you’ll require a visa or passport. Citizens of the country will be required to provide their residence cards at the border.


  Golden rules for your luggage

• To avoid any confusion during check-in, remove the old tags affixed to your baggage.

• Indicate your name and address legibly in your country and abroad. It is recommended to put a distinctive mark on each bag (tape, tape..) for easy identification on arrival.

• Do not put valuables in the bags carried to the aircraft stores.

• Be sure to wrap the fragile items

• Do not accept any bag or parcel for any other person.

• Keep your medical treatments and prescriptions with you.

• Inform the airport agents of every neglected bag or parcel.

• Never leave your luggage unattended, even for a short moment. It will be suspicious and destroyed.

• Dimensions and weight of hand baggage are minimal. They use the airline. Note that these limits vary by company. Watch out if you’re going to get on another plane.

Security and customs


– It is in your interest to take the initiative to perform the security measures!

– These measures are completed before entering the boarding hall. Hand baggage passes through the X-ray monitor and may be the subject of a manual search.

– If you carry keys or metal objects in your pocket, put them on the mat of the X-ray monitor. It will prevent the acoustic alarm from operating as you pass the detection corridor.

– Due to strengthening security measures in air transport, you must perform the same operations for all items (iron or not) that you carry (watch, bracelet, necklace, etc.) and your jackets or coats. For small items, there is a basket at your disposal. You’ll receive these things or clothing after you’ve passed through the detecting area.

– We don’t want you to put anything that could hurt you, like a penknife, scissors, a cutting machine, a weapon, or anything that looks like a weapon. Your entire possessions will be confiscated during a security check. You won’t get your money back if it’s destroyed.

– If you carry a pacemaker or any other implanted device (insulin pump, even some hearing aids), tell the security guard and do not cross the hallway; you will not be exempted from the body search.

Also, be aware that you may be asked, before boarding the aircraft, to search your Checked Baggage as an extra precaution.

Finally, make sure to leave your luggage at the air terminal.

Order prohibited items

These lines concern the various forms represented in weapons and tools of regulated use.

However, common sense allows whether a tool can be used as a weapon.


 When a projectile is fired with the help of detonation or compressed air and gas, it is called a weapon. Includes pistols used to start sports games or guns that send signals for help.

Knives and other sharp tools

Knives with a blade at least 6 centimeters long, knives that aren’t allowed by local law, and other knives with an edge at least 6 centimeters long are not allowed.

Sticks, batons, and baseball bats are examples of non-bleeding tools.

Explosives/ammunition / flammable liquid / corrosive substances:

Any explosive or incendiary substance alone or mixed with another sense can cause an explosion or a fire. This category includes combustible materials, detonators, pyrotechnic materials, munitions, or any combination. Any corrosive or toxic substance, including gas, whether pressurized or not.

Neutral and disabled tools

Tear gas, incapacitating substances, or any chemical or similar product contained in a gun, bomb, or other container and other neutralizing devices such as electronic devices that immobilize or neutralize by discharging an electrical charge.

Other articles, such as ski spears, climbing sticks, razors, and sharp scissors, are, in general, not considered deadly or dangerous weapons but may, nevertheless, be used as weapons, as well as toy or illusory weapons or bombs.

-Tools of all kinds suggest that it is a deadly weapon. These tools include tools that look like explosives or other tools that may be considered dangerous weapons or tools. These are not the only examples.

Terrorists could use some tools and materials to make chemical and biological weapons… The possibility of chemical or biological terrorist processes involving chemical or biological components to commit illegal acts. These regulated physical or chemical substances include, in particular, sulfur mustard, chlorine, sarin, cyanide, hydrogen, meat-eating poisoning, smallpox, tularemia, and viral hemorrhagic fever.

– Items that contain chemical and biological properties or are suspected of containing similar substances must be reported to the airport authorities, the police, the military authorities in the area, or any competent authority.

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