Capital of Morocco

The capital of Morocco, Rabat, has been Morocco's administrative and political capital since 1956....

Opening hours in Morocco

Opening hours in Morocco fluctuate based on the demands of tourists for various departments...

Gnaoua music calls for the soul and body

Gnaoua music is quite widespread in Morocco but also in other Maghreb countries. During...

Where is Morocco?

Where is Morocco?? Morocco is located in the northwest of the continent of Africa,...

Best Riads in Marrakech

Best Riads in Marrakech the city whose name means "God's land" in Amazigh, a...

Top Destinations


Red Global City


Windy city and beautiful beach


The blue city hugging the sky


International Film City

Places To Go

Kasbah Taourirt: Historic Building in Ouarzazate

Kasbah Taourirt, Located in Ouarzazate, the gateway to the desert as its nickname, is...

Kasbah Tamadot: Ultimate Luxury

Kasbah Tamadot is a stunning destination that seamlessly blends luxury, authenticity, and modernity. This...

Ouzina: Pure Magic in the Desert

Ouzina is located in the desert of Morocco, in the country's southeastern part, specifically...


Ifrane: lakes, snow and skiing

Ifrane is a tourist destination for many visitors seeking comfort and tranquility. Known for...

Cities in Morocco: Attractions and Top Tourist Destinations

Cities in Morocco offer a striking blend of geographical diversity and natural charm. With...

Best time to visit Morocco

If you still need to choose the Best time to visit Morocco, know that...

Weather in Morocco

What do you know about the weather in Morocco? We are pleased to know...

Casablanca, the mirror of Moroccan progress

Casablanca, a Moroccan city, is renowned as the largest city in the Kingdom of...

Arts of Morocco

The Arts of Morocco is a way of life inherited by instinct, experience, and...

Agadir Beaches, Warmth on the South Coast

Agadir beaches offer a diverse sea atmosphere. Some beaches are sheltered by coves or...

Tetouan, the white dove in the sky

Tetouan, in Morocco, is a Hispanic Moorish city called 'La Blanca,' located in the...

Legzira Beach, the Best in Africa

Legzira Beach, a destination that seamlessly blends the beauty of both beach and mountain...

Moroccan Rugs: A Tapestry of Tradition, and Artistry

Handcrafted Moroccan rugs stand out throughout the Arab and African worlds for their patterns,...

How much does a stay in Morocco cost?

How much does a stay in Morocco cost?This is understandable since traveling in Morocco...

Kasbah Bab Ourika A Mountain Paradise

Kasbah Bab Ourika, With only a 35-minute drive from Marrakech International Airport, you'll recharge...

Explore Morocco