Shopping in Essaouira: Rich Markets

Shopping in Essaouira is a delightful experience for tourists, as the town is known for its artisanal offerings. One of the focal points for purchasing local crafts is the craft center located on Mohamed el Qory street in the medina. Surrounding this center, you’ll find Mohamed ben Abdala street, which hosts a variety of craft shops. These establishments evoke the memory of the wood workshops found along the Skala walls.

A visit to the craft center is highly recommended, as it offers the opportunity to witness artisans at work. Visitors can observe the various stages of craftsmanship, from inception to the final product, making it a truly immersive experience.

Shopping in Essaouira

Essaouira Crafts in Wood

Essaouira Crafts in Wood

Works with Tuya wood are a great specialty of this area since it is a species that abounds in its mountains, with dark redwood, golden veins, and an intense smell.

The small carpentry workshops on the walls give way to more industrial production. The cabinetmakers of this city are famous for marquetry. The technique consists of embedding thin sheets of bone wood or mother-of-pearl.

For the inlays, they use other woods such as yellow lemon or acacia treated to give it a black color, silver threads, and mother-of-pearl from seashells.

The most precious wood is the root of your “Arar” with highly appreciated irregularities.

The carvings are more successful when you use them to make everything from furniture (such as chairs and tables) to small things (such as ashtrays and balls).

The wood inlay works are the most precious of the Essaouira crafts.

Other Crafts of Essaouira

Rugs in essaouira


Amazigh master goldsmiths make them from the Haha region. They create jewels in silver or gold plated, of great elegance and surprising finesse.

The jewels are essential to enhance the Amazighwoman’s beauty. The bangles and necklaces are heavy in the form of large attached chains. As in all of Islam, the artistic patterns are geometric and abstract. They are more angular forms than the Andalusian Arabic art.


Or wicker, with which sometimes colored slippers and moccasins are made. They are located near the craft center.

Clothing and Fabrics

On traditional looms. Very colorful, with a production of classic women’s clothing.

Musical instruments

String instruments like the lute, the tamboril, the gumbri, or the hajhouj are made by skilled artisans in this city. Gnaouas musicians use these instruments to play their music.


 from the Chichaoua region, 174 km away, on the Marrakech road. The Ouled Bou Sbaa, originally from this area, makes the typical Haus rugs. They have a bright red background and are adorned with mysterious drawings.

In this city, there are craft shipyards unique in the world.

other purchases

other purchases in essaouira

Argan oil

Typical of the region, highly demanded and expensive, so mixtures are frequent. It is produced in rural cooperatives on the Marrakech road, highlighting the Vitargan cooperative.

We can buy cosmetic products such as regular or black argan soap, natural oils, aromatic skin, and creams.

We can also find culinary argan oil for salads.


We highlight the Women’s Patisserie Cooperative AFBK, near Bab Dukala, where they organize cooking classes.

Camel milk cheese, we can find it in some stores and restaurants.

Gnaoua music

Typical of the area, we can find CDs of the leading artists of this musical specialty.


It’s in the area of the Skala.


Creators of all kinds reside in this city; sculptors, painters, and designers are inspired by the region’s landscape and traditional arts. Highlighting the Naive Art modern tradition that we can find in numerous shops in the city was born as an imitation of the European painters who visited the city. It has developed its style influenced by the culture of the gnaoua.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Essaouira worth going to?

Yes, Essaouira is deserving of a visit. It is a charming coastal community with a long history and a unique blend of Portuguese and Moroccan influences. Essaouira’s medina (old town) is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with its narrow streets, whitewashed structures, and blue-painted doorways. Additionally, the town features a long beach, a bustling fishing port, and numerous stores and restaurants. In addition, Essaouira is renowned for its music scene and hosts the annual Gnaoua World Music Festival, which attracts musicians and music enthusiasts from around the globe.

Are there souks in Essaouira?

Souks (markets) in Essaouira are worth exploring. The souks in Essaouira are smaller than those in Marrakech or Fes. Still, they offer extensive products, including pottery, textiles, and jewelry. The souks are located in the medina, the ancient town of Essaouira, and are renowned for their laid-back atmosphere and welcoming merchants. The Spice Souk, the Jewelry Souk, and the Leather Souk are among the most well-known souks in Essaouira.

How much time should I spend in Essaouira?

Depending on your travel itinerary and interests, the quantity of time you should spend in Essaouira varies. Spend at least two to three days in Essaouira to thoroughly experience the city and partake in various activities, such as exploring the medina, sampling local cuisine, visiting historical sites, and engaging in beach activities.

You can spend two days in Essaouira if you have limited time and want to see the city’s highlights. In a single day, you can investigate the medina, go to the port, unwind on the beach, and dine on regional cuisine. The length of your stay in Essaouira ultimately depends on your preferences and the reason for your visit.

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