What languages are spoken in Morocco?

What languages are spoken in Morocco? If you are planning to move to Morocco, but the language aspect intimidates you, don’t panic! Yes, Morocco is a country where many languages are spoken, which can be confusing when you want to integrate as well as possible. To this end, Visitthemorocco.com gives you a good overview of the main languages you will hear in the country and the contexts in which they are used because expatriation is synonymous with learning daily.

Moroccan Arabic – Darija

Darija, a Moroccan dialect derived from Arabic, is the most widely spoken language. Quite different from standard Arabic, it has a different pronunciation, conjugations, and vocabulary. Suppose you want to talk in this Arabic dialect. In that case, the first step will be to focus on understanding Darija and then practice. Darija is an oral language, so you will master it by conversing. For this, you can take lessons or practice daily with the locals. Once you master Darija, you can consider yourself an accomplished expatriate!

Some example sentences in English – Arabic – Darija

Hello – Salam

How are you? – Ki dayer

Thank you – Chokran

I’m OK – Bi khayer

How much is this (…) – B’shhal hada / Hadi

Amazigh language

Amazigh is one of the official languages of Morocco, along with Arabic. It was spoken by the indigenous population of Morocco before the Arab conquest. It is rare to find Amazighspeakers;. However, some Moroccans practice it within their families, and it is spoken in many rural villages and the south. Interestingly, in other parts of the country, one finds different variants of Amazigh(mainly in the Atlas and the Rif).

Standard Arabic

Standard Arabic is Morocco’s administrative and informative language for written documents such as newspapers and books. It is rarely spoken, being a very formal language. If you speak standard Arabic, you might be able to communicate, but you’ll probably sound very strange to Moroccan ears. You can study it in dedicated centers, notably Fez, Rabat, and Casablanca.


French is the language of business and university studies. Many Moroccans are fluent in French or can at least engage in essential communication. French is probably the most straightforward language in Morocco, more accessible than Arabic. It is also helpful if you want to work or study in Morocco. You can learn French in language institutes present in most major cities. Announcements at train stations or other public places are usually in Arabic and French, so you can get around quite quickly speaking only French.


Although English is used much less than French, its popularity has continued to grow. As Morocco develops, English has become an essential language for doing business. Several universities now offer English programs, and most cities have language centers. Getting around speaking only English can take time and effort. Still, you will very often be able to find English speakers, primarily since many ex-pats work as English teachers.


Spanish is spoken in parts of northern Morocco and used in companies doing business with Spain. Spanish speakers are rare, but many cities have Spanish cultural centers.

Good to know :

You’ll find Arabic and Darija classes in most major cities but check all information online and with your home country’s local cultural center.

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